Sean! He’s a favorite over here too, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this tribute to him. Cheers to Sean and his calm, insightful mind!

Side note: randomly, I have been using the word minstrels quite a lot lately as this is the role Naomi is in her school play this year. (Robin Hood). But never once before this time in my life. 😄

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I, at the ripe old age of ___, have NEVER used the word Minstrels. That cracks me up. Gonna work it in where I can real soon. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEAN!!!! I can be funny and I can be wise.....BUT NOT AT THE SAME TIME. I will work on that. Cuz I want to be JUST LIKE SEAN!!!! (oh wait, part of your post may have been ignored!!!!) I continue to figure out who I am and strive to be it. God only made one. I better make him proud!!!!

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